• 8 February 2018, Thursday
  • Moscow, Волгоградский проспект, дом 42, корпус 5, Технополис Москва

6th Winter Cycling Congress

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2267 дней назад
с 9:00 8 February до 18:00 10 February 2018
Волгоградский проспект, дом 42, корпус 5, Технополис Москва

On February 8−11, 2018 the 6th Winter Cycling Congress will take place in Moscow. Agenda of the event will be expanded and include additional topics from the Moscow International Cycling Congress held since 2016.


Apart from the traditional topics of building and maintaining infrastructure and promoting cycling in the cold-climate cities, the program of the 6th Winter Cycling Congress will include discussions about traffic code amendments, cycling economy, business engagement in advocating bicycle culture and other themes important to adress regardless climate.

On Sunday, February 11th, 2018 experience winter Moscow streets without cars and join the 3rd winter Moscow Bike Parade! Details coming soon. 

Check FAQ for more information about the congress.  You can also follow the WCC updates in English on Facebook and Twitter.


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